Friday, January 20, 2012

Motorcycle Accident Deaths

Texas ranks third in motorcycle crashes after Florida and California.  Fortunately, motorcycle crash deaths, which steadily rose over the previous 11 years, have been declining since 2009. 

Some say the decline is in part because these tragic statistics caught the attention of lawmakers.  New studies and legislation are underway and Texas has led the way in awareness for riders and drivers using outreach campaigns such as “Share the Road,” “Take the Course,” “Ride Safe,” and “Drink. Ride. Lose.”  These campaigns promote rider safety as well as driver awareness.  The Texas Transportation Institute, Texas Department of Public Safety and Texas Department of Transportation continue to provide State funding to continue efforts to improve motorcycle safety.

A few statistics to remember:

·         Motorcycles account for only 3% of all registered vehicles but 13% of all fatalities
·         50% of all fatal motorcycle crashes involved collisions with another type of motor vehicle
·         25% of fatal motorcycle crashes involved crashing into a fixed object
·         The fatality rate for motorcyclist and their passenger is 5.5 times higher than car occupants
·         The NHSTA estimates that helmets saved 1,784 motorcyclist from death during a crash

Texas motorcyclists are protected under the Texas motorcycle laws that make negligent drivers liable to Texas motorcyclists. A biker who is involved in a Texas motorcycle accident may recover compensation for his or her injuries if they were caused by the other driver’s negligence. Damages may include but are not limited to: payment for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life and economic loss.

Wear your helmet, and be safe. But if you or a loved one is in a motorcycle accident the law firm of Colley & Colley, LLP stands ready to assist you in any way that we can. We invite you to call us and discuss your motorcycle or auto accident injury case or visit our website. Our consultation is free and there is no obligation to you. 

We are here, working for justice, one client at a time…

Paul Colley, Jr.
Colley & Colley, L.L.P.

Follow us on Twitter: @colleylaw

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