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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Soldier Dies in East Texas Motorcycle Accident

U.S. Army Specialist Kelon Dwaine Jones died earlier this week in Fort Carson, Colorado. He was stationed there since November after serving nearly a year in Iraq and returning to the states unharmed, but Tuesday his motorcycle was hit by a car.
Kelon Jones lived for speed...he loved anything that went fast. "We took the training wheels off his bike when he was about two. As soon as he could pedal it, he took off," says Nancy Lowery, Kelon's mother.
Nancy says ever since she can remember Kelon rode bikes so when she got a call Tuesday afternoon saying he died in a motorcycle accident... "at least I knew that he was doing exactly what he loved. No matter the consequences, he loved it," says Nancy.
Kelon's family says his death is not about mourning a loss, but rather about celebrating his life. A life they say he lived to the fullest.
"He always told me that if he died doing what you love it's not a tragedy so don't worry Mom," Nancy says.
Kelon's family says he was the life of the party. His mom remembers his constant smile. "He had a way about him that he could attract a crowd, standing somewhere by himself, give him a few minutes and everybody be over there with him."
Kelon also had a dream to open his own bike shop and even though that dream won't come true..."sad that he won't fulfill any dreams, no, cause he was doing that everyday of his life, if he wanted it, he done it. It's the fact that I don't have him. That's the hard part, " Nancy says.
Kelon died at the young age of 20, but Nancy says his memory will forever live on. "It's comforting to think that he served his purpose whatever it may have been just by touching so many people."
And she says the last words she spoke to her only son will forever live on in her..."I love you."
Kelon Jones' funeral will be held Monday afternoon in Marshall. A military honor guard will be there.
This is the third East Texas soldier, we've reported, to survive a tour in Iraq and later die in a car accident.
Tracy Watler/Reporting:

(This story originally appeared in the website of